
Showing posts from September, 2020


Concentration: * In the five states of mind, concentration is one in which only the seeker has knowledge of the goal.        With concentration of mind, the power of Kundalini rises up after awakening.   * Success is achieved by concentration.   * If there is a matter of intelligence in life, they are concentration.  If there is a bad thing that is to              disperse the powers.   * Unity is our only capital, this is the only guarantee we have for the protection of our legitimate                aspirations.   * Walk together and speak together!  Rigveda   * Permanent unity is where the conscience is the same.   * Solitary is school of  statue .   * Avoiding cursing your soul should be the first precaution of man and the second is to avoid the                infamy of the world. ................


DECEIT:   * Trick is a demonstration of artificial simplicity.     * The color of deceit is beautiful.  Unobtrusive and attractive too, but painful and to pierce the heart.  * The younger donor should also be respected, but not the miser, despite being the owner of great              wealth.     * The name of staying away from deceit is true.  - Rigveda.   * The person who keeps himself secretly and closes his tongue finds God. .................................................................****************..................................................................... छल : * छल कृत्रिम सरलता का प्रदर्शन है ।   * छल का बहिरंग सुन्दर होता है . विनीत और आकर्षक भी , पर दुखदायी और हृदय को बेधने के लिए ।  * छोटे दानी पुरुष का भी सम्मान करना चाहिए परन्तु महान सम्पति के स्वामी होने पर भी कंजूस का नहीं ।   * छल कपट से दूर रहने का नाम सत्य है । -ऋग्वेद ।  * छु...


HATRED:   * The madness of our heart is hatred.                               * Hatred is the fundamental sin of man .   * Do not hate anyone.  Hate the bad luck of individuals and not individuals.   * Hate is the work of the devil.  Forgiveness is the religion of man and love is the virtue of       deities. * The greater density is the father of hate. *  Even if intimacy does not cause disgust, but loses its appreciation. ..........................................................********************.................................................................   घृणा: * हमारे हृदय की पागलपन ही घृणा है ।  * घृणा मनुष्य की मौलिक पाप है ।  * किसी से घृणा मत करो । व्यक्तियो के दुर्गुणों से घृणा करो व्यक्तियों से नहीं । * घृणा करना शैतान का कार्य है . क्षमा करना मनुष्य का धर्म हैं तथा प्रेम करना देवताओ के गुण हैं ।  * अधिक घनिळता घृ...


LIE: * Even a little lie destroys a human being like a drop of poison in milk.   * Man loses a lot of life's wealth by lying.   * If a lie is repeated again and again, it starts hitting the head with truth.    ...................................................................*************......................................................................... झूठ: * थोड़ा सा भी झूठ मनुष्य का नाश कर देता है जैसे दूध को एक बूंद जहर ।   * मनुष्य झूठ बोलकर जीवन की काफी सम्पदा खो देता है ।  * कोई झूठ बार - बार दुहराये जाने पर सच बनकर सिर पर मड़राने लगती है ।                                                             नवनि नीच के अति दुखदाई                                              ...

What is soul ? What is the power of soul ?

   What is soul? What is the power of soul?   *  The soul is the rest of the divine. - Gita.                                                      HINDI TRANSLATION BELOW * The soul is immortal and imperishable. - Gita. * The soul is seen by calm, dant, uparat, titishu and samhit (means chatushtya). -Vedanta   *  The soul is smaller and larger than the largest, it lives in the heart cavity of the creature. When a man      abandons all his desires and moves towards him, then he shows himself with kindness, opens his            board and comes to know.  Any other way is not of his philosophy.                                                  ...

Motivation : प्रेरणाएँ

  Motivations:                                                          HINDI TRANSLATION BELOW *  Failure motivates to win. * Failure can turn defeat into victory. * Courage, endurance and strength to withstand failure is the quality of courageous person and its              extra sneaky .          Skepticism is the mother of failure while analytical is the source of victory. * Being loyal to yourself and not wanting to walk with the crowd are the main condition of progress. *  It is necessary to study, but careful selection of the subject of your study is important than that, it is            necessary to remo ve your learned theory from practice by note restricting it to reading.   *  How much you know is not very import...