
Agreeing is an art (सहमति जताना भी एक कला है )

Agreeing is an art.                                                          Hindi Translation Below Behavior is an essential initiative to master skill and human relations.  The art of expressing consent In today's age, acquiring proficiency in this art is like acquiring a jewel.  It is a very easy technique to express consent and it helps a lot in life. Remember, it is foolish to disagree on the matter.  A sensible, intelligent and big man is one who has to overcome a very wrong situation. Make up your mind not to get into controversy.  Learn to agree with ease. * When do you agree? Agreeing to agree is not enough.  Let others feel that you really agree. Put their eyes in their eyes and agree and say "I agree with you or you are right." * Do not express disagreement unless extremely necessary. If you do not agree...

Identify people and value them . Something like this (लोगों को पहचानिए और उन्हें खुद को महत्व दीजिए । कुछ इस तरह )

Identify people and value them . Something like this :         Hindi translation below (1) Listen carefully . Not paying attention to what people say is equivalent to making them smaller. Listen to them and communicate the feeling of having something in it. (2) Congratulate them . But only when it is needed.  (3) Call on his / her name and keep his / her pictures with you. They will start liking you. (4) Think before you answer. This will make them feel that you have noticed their point because it was a matter to be noticed. (5) Address them with words like 'you' 'your'. Not from I, my,  myself. (6) Those who are waiting for you to meet you, make them realize that you are aware of this. Indicate that you are aware of them. This will increase their feeling of having something in them. (7) Pay attention to every person in the group. N ot only on one particular person, or spokesperson, there is more than one person in a group. .......................****...

skilled conversation skills (कुशल वार्तालाप का हुनर)

skilled conversation skills * Have the most interesting topics while interacting with people. * What is the topic of the world that makes people interested "Yourself!" * When you talk to people about them, they get very excited. Your price increases in their eyes. * When you talk to people only about them, they feel like you are raining lotus petals on them.  But when you talk only about yourself, it stings others like a thorn and this thing goes contrary to nature. * So, in your life book, throw out the words "I, my, only me." * Choose only one word which sounds very good when spoken with a tongue. That is the word "you " * Often we are not effective because we are talking about ourselves. Remember, the importance is not about your thinking or your perception of anyone, the importance is whether your listeners like those things or not. Every person wants him to be understood as "something".  This is a very strong part of our Asian mindset. Keep ...

Our nature(हमारा स्वभाव)

   Our nature * The most important for successful public behavior is to understand human nature. * It is necessary to understand man and his nature, understand him as he is, do not look at it from your perspective, nor try to adapt it according to your thinking. * Most people cannot see beyond their nose, they have nothing to do with you. * Remember, behind a person's actions, his self-esteem is evident, understanding that man is only interested in himself is the basis of public behavior. * So the basic thing to understand is that . human interest is only in himself and .  not in you. .........................********...........................    हमारा स्वभाव * सफल लोक व्यवहार के लिए सबसे जरूरी है मानव स्वभाव या उसकी फितरत को समझना । * मनुष्य और उसकी प्रकृति को समझने के लिए जरूरी होता है वह जैसा है उसे वैसा ही समझें , अपने नजरिये से न देखें , न ही उसे अपनी सोचके अनुरूप ढालने की कोशिश करें ।  * ज्यादातर लोग अपनी नाक से आगे नहीं देख पाते , उन्हें आप ...


Concentration: * In the five states of mind, concentration is one in which only the seeker has knowledge of the goal.        With concentration of mind, the power of Kundalini rises up after awakening.   * Success is achieved by concentration.   * If there is a matter of intelligence in life, they are concentration.  If there is a bad thing that is to              disperse the powers.   * Unity is our only capital, this is the only guarantee we have for the protection of our legitimate                aspirations.   * Walk together and speak together!  Rigveda   * Permanent unity is where the conscience is the same.   * Solitary is school of  statue .   * Avoiding cursing your soul should be the first precaution of man and the second is to avoid the                infamy of the world. ................


DECEIT:   * Trick is a demonstration of artificial simplicity.     * The color of deceit is beautiful.  Unobtrusive and attractive too, but painful and to pierce the heart.  * The younger donor should also be respected, but not the miser, despite being the owner of great              wealth.     * The name of staying away from deceit is true.  - Rigveda.   * The person who keeps himself secretly and closes his tongue finds God. .................................................................****************..................................................................... छल : * छल कृत्रिम सरलता का प्रदर्शन है ।   * छल का बहिरंग सुन्दर होता है . विनीत और आकर्षक भी , पर दुखदायी और हृदय को बेधने के लिए ।  * छोटे दानी पुरुष का भी सम्मान करना चाहिए परन्तु महान सम्पति के स्वामी होने पर भी कंजूस का नहीं ।   * छल कपट से दूर रहने का नाम सत्य है । -ऋग्वेद ।  * छु...


HATRED:   * The madness of our heart is hatred.                               * Hatred is the fundamental sin of man .   * Do not hate anyone.  Hate the bad luck of individuals and not individuals.   * Hate is the work of the devil.  Forgiveness is the religion of man and love is the virtue of       deities. * The greater density is the father of hate. *  Even if intimacy does not cause disgust, but loses its appreciation. ..........................................................********************.................................................................   घृणा: * हमारे हृदय की पागलपन ही घृणा है ।  * घृणा मनुष्य की मौलिक पाप है ।  * किसी से घृणा मत करो । व्यक्तियो के दुर्गुणों से घृणा करो व्यक्तियों से नहीं । * घृणा करना शैतान का कार्य है . क्षमा करना मनुष्य का धर्म हैं तथा प्रेम करना देवताओ के गुण हैं ।  * अधिक घनिळता घृ...